Frequently Asked Questions
Is there Going to be a Party?
Hell Yes!! If there is one thing that this community likes to do, its have a good time together. WTSQ has partnered with Charleston's Arts Amplified organization and have a special Show Case of bands from the region. These bands are as good as any band performing in the U.S. today and the opportunity to play for the GRC made it easy to get them to share their talent at Slack Plaza on Saturday the 21st. The public is invited, and there will be food and beverage available from 4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Is there alternative housing?
There are lots of Airbnb places that are available right downtown, so finding someone to room with might be an alternative. Additionally, the Kanawha State Forest has camping. If you go to the travel and lodging page you will find some limited in city camping opportunities
Is the keynote with Amy Goodman included in registration fee?
Who Qualifies for scholarships and discount?
Fill out the form. No one has been declined yet.
5. I love Amy Goodman, but don't really have any interest in the conference, Can I just see Amy?
Just buy the $25 dollar ticket to go to the Keynote event!!!