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Ursula Ruedenberg and Stephanie Schubert

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Ursula Ruedenberg is the Network Manager for Pacifica's affiliate network. She also launched KHOI community Radio in Ames, Iowa, and learned first-hand the many uses of syndicated content when she was KHOI's Station Manager and Program Director for 10 years. She has worked for Pacifica Radio since 2002, where she co-created, Pacifica’s syndication platform. Prior to that, she worked for Pacifica Radio in exile, during the Pacifica struggle in 2001. She currently is the editor for the Weekly syndicated show, Ukraine 2 4 2.



Stephanie Schubert is the Operations Manager for Pacifica's affiliate network. She works daily with stations and producers around the country; manages, writes the monthly newsletter, and produces the popular national show, Sprouts Radio From the Grassroots. 

About This Presentation

Content-Sharing for Grassroots Radio
Pacifica’s and Other Syndication Platforms
Our big strength is local content. But bringing our voices to the national platform takes things to
the next level.
You can get your voice out there.
You can build your station’s programming with syndicated content that is compatible with the
grassroots sound of your station.
This is a discussion about how to get it and how to distribute it. We will demonstrate how
Pacifica's Audioport works and introduce other distribution platforms. There will be questions
answered and discussion about topics like how to best distribute one's program or how stations
can best use distributed content, what works, pitfalls, and tips. 
Pacifica Foundation broke ground for community radio in 1949 in Berkeley California with
KPFA-Pacifica. Today it owns five radio stations in major metropolitan areas. It's affiliate
network includes more than 200 community, low power, and internet stations. Pacifica Network
pioneered Internet-based content sharing with in 2004. Today, Audioport offers a
menu of hundreds of community radio shows and other types of radio content. We work daily to
help producers distribute their work.

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